Saturday, February 12, 2011

Show Love to your Loved Ones by NOT Spending Money

I heard on the radio that the average person spends *drum roll* $120 on Valentines day!  O.O'  Yikes!!

Ok, so clearly someone is spending more than that because I spend just a few dollars on Valentines day (cards for my nephews and nieces, maybe a card for DH, and treats for my Sunday School kids - all purchased at the Dollar Store).  Although I do love the Valentine's day sales the day after where I can snatch up great chocolates for 50%+ off.

So let me tell you what you can do for the love of your life without breaking the bank.

1) Write a love letter.  This will mean more than roses and chocolates.  It will last longer and it will cost you only a little ink, paper, and time.

2) Hide notes around the house.  Put a "I love your smile" note on top of her coffee maker.  Put a "You give the best hugs" on top of the fridge where only he can see (you may need a step ladder if you're vertically challenged).  Or in a lunchbox before he heads off to work, etc.

3) Write "I love you" on the mirror after your shower and before his/hers so they see it when it's their turn.  Or get one of those soap crayons (or borrow it from your kids) and lightly write on the mirror or shower.

4) Surprise them with dinner.  If your DW is always making dinner give her the night off and make her something (even if it's frozen pizza, she'll appreciate the gesture).

5) Back massage.  Give them one yourself.

6) Foot massage, listen up men because you're woman will love this.

7) Verbally tell your love throughout the day that you love them or shower them with compliments.  You will visibly see their face shine.

I could go on but I think you get the idea.  You don't have to spend $120 or more to express "I love you."  And you don't have to wait for Valentine's day to do any of the above.  Nothing is sweeter than a random little note when you don't expect it.

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