Saturday, January 8, 2011

Thrifty Fun

As we've been passing around some sort of nasty sickness in our family, I've been a little busy.  So I'm going to cheat and put this nifty saying out from

Work Smarter Not Harder

Wages used to the best of our ability.
Own outright as much as we can.
Rely on God
Keep finances and financial goals in perspective.

Save what we can honestly set aside each pay.
Measure of our earnings for others.
Advice from the Bible, books, websites, trusted people.
Remember past dollar mistakes and learn from them.
Tithe always. (Always!  Giving up tithing is not a way to save money.  You have an income, you tithe.)
Extra money save half and/or put extra on a bill.
Record what you spend.

Never give up. You may have to regroup, but NEVER give up.
Organization saves $$$ and time.
Thankful for my job and God's provision

Happy with what we have.
Ask before we buy - something else to use? Do we really need?
Realistic goals, set 'em!
Discover what motivates you to save.
Energize and stay focused with short term goals.
Reap the benefits of finances in order.

By Sheryl from Columbus, OH

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